By Jove, He's Done It!
22 year old Men's Moguls Skier -
#4 - Alexandre Bilodeau
This article is intended to be a synchromystic and semiotic complement and extension to the Strange Eye article
Tragedy in Vancouver
(Read the article and comments!!!)
It is also to illustrate the inhuman / impossible events that are portraying themselves in this 21st 2010 Vancouver Olympic Winter Games - pulling back the veil and revealing the underlying fabric of life influencing all events everywhere...
The Great Jupiter Finger of GOD, fingerpainting the canvas of life!
Alexandre Bilodeau - Men's Mogul Gold Medal Champion
(A.B. - "ABE")
at Cypress Mountain SUNday 2.14.2010
Happy Valentine's (Heart/HART) Day!!
beat the favoured Ex-Pat Canadian #1 Dale Begg-Smith (Australia - Silver Medal)
22 year old Men's Moguls Skier - Alexandre Bilodeau
from Rosemere Quebec
Ranked 4th in the World
Le Canadien - Allez Canada
(Click Images to Enlarge)

3 People
The flashes
the Red and the Blue,
[sym: Momma and Poppa and little boy too...]
[Fire and Water combined / Male and Female combined / the Perfected (Gold Winner) Man]
"...It wasn't under my control..."
- Alexandre Bilodeau (2.14.2010 - CTV)

Jupiter Finger and HART (Heart) by the Gold Medal WINNer

Number 4 on the podium for Gold

From CTV Broadcast -
Blue Man Touques and Jackets
Jupiter Finger
"Z" for Zeus too (2)
"O" for GOD (OO - two O's - 8 - Infinity)
Bullseye / Red Eye
'Ver 2 OZ'

[open your eyes]
(Blue Men)
[3rd EYE]

[that's right, that's the ONE]

(Heart / HART center)

Dual Jupiter Fingers:



(23 + 17 = 40 )

Saint John (Jean/JON)

Quebec House - Q Maison - hosts Cirque du Soleil - Performing DIABOLO
to celebrate Alexandre Bilodeau's Gold Medal
Q = 17
11.9 / 9.11

RED EYE Alert in "Q" / Quebec House!

Alexander Bilodeau playing chess with his brother Frederic (who has Cerebral Palsy)

One Eye:

On the Cross:
"X" marks the spot in the Center!

Open !
Devote !

OUVRE your "O"lympic 3rd eye (your mind!)

Plant consciousness in the floW-er cere-mon-y!
floW-ers for your cere-bellum!
Money for the MIND!

The gold(en) Winner shows...
The Blue Men / Aqua-men / Mer-Men know...
You must...
Open your Mind and Heart and let it FLOW-er!
Connect to the Jupiter within to be ONE.
Bullseye your 3rd EYE to be the Man-Aten.

Believe! - UnI - VERSE
You and I in ONE voice!
You and Eye...
UNI-VERSE - that which IS and IS not I

You and I
You and your EYE UNIted
in ONE Verse and ONE Voice.
The energetic vibration, the sound wave and the floW...

22 [4] yr old Men's Moguls Skier - Alexandre Bilodeau [AB - "ABE"](ranked 4th in world)
from Rosemere [Rose Mary / Rose Mer / Red Sea / See!] Quebec
More on Alexandre Bilodeau at MetroNEWS
From Alexandre Bilodeau on Wikipedia.
Winning Canada's First Home Gold
Bilodeau was a member of the Canadian moguls team going to the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver. He started the competition on Sunday, February 14th in favourable conditions. This was in contrast to the previous day for the women in which they skied in rain, sleet, and generally slushy conditions. Bilodeau finished the qualification run in 2nd place overall. In the final Alexandre Bilodeau threw a back double full on the first jump and followed it with a back iron cross on the second. His jump and style scores combined with the second fastest run of the night, saw him scoring 26.75 points to win the gold. With the gold he became the first Canadian to win a Gold Medal during a Canadian-hosted Olympics.
Reaction to Bilodeau's gold medal win was immediate with Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper calling Bilodeau and telling him that "Canadian families across the country are proud of you, Alex". Provincial leaders, including Quebec Premier Jean Charest, British Columbia Premier Gordon Campbell and Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty all personally praised his win. In Vancouver itself Canadians celebrated near the Olympic torch on Vancouver's waterfront. Crowds spilled onto Robson Street in downtown Vancouver waving the flag and singing the Canadian national anthem.
Jupiter is the 5th planet from the SUN/SON (OO / 8) in our Solar System.
23.17 = 40
5 x 8
ONE for WERMES (Jim & Jake).:
(The SHIN twins and TWO pillars of Light)
The Road to A.WE and the ODE to JOY.:
Olympics Trivia:
In ancient Greece, The Olympic Games were held to honor the 12 Olympian gods:
Zeus lived and held court as King on Mount Olympus with the other Olympians:
Zeus, Hera (Juno), Poseidon (Neptune), Demeter (Ceres), Apollo, Artemis (Diana), Ares (Mars), Hephaestus (Vulcan), Aphrodite (Venus), Hermes (Mercury), Athene (Minerva), and Hades (Pluto).
This article is intended to complement and be an extension to the Strange Eye article
Tragedy in Vancouver
(Please take a moment Read that article and comments - it will enhance the experience of this article greatly !)
(be sure to check out the rest of the Olympic articles!)
I've had Beethoven's "Ode to Joy" ("Song of Joy") on my radar for quite some time. Apparently, it might be used for "conditioning."
Can't verify authenticity of this one but I have this in my files:
From Serge Monast: “Naturally this superbly staged, falsification will result in social religious disorder on a grand scale, including millions of programmed religious fanatics, through demonic possession cases on a scale never seen before. In addition, this event will occur at a time of great political anarchy and general tumult at the edge of something big... the United Nations, even though it plans to use the Beethoven 'Song of joy' as the official Anthem for the New World Order.”
Somehow, I'm reminded of the classical music played that led the walking dead to the "showers."
You don't have to publish this one on your comments section. It's basically just a heads up for you in case you're interested.
I've just finished two books by a new author named Laurel Dewey and she uses what I would consider synchs in both. They are labeled "mystical crime thrillers" but if you look beneath the surface there is a bastion of esoteric info behind the crime du jour.
The first one is titled PROTECTOR and the second, with a helluva lot of what Dewey calls "coincidences" is titled "REDEMPTION." The later is on now in hardcover for a limited time for $4.75. The first is being re-issued in mass market paperback on February 23, according to
I've been telling everyone in earshot to read this woman's work because I sense she has a broader story to tell as this series of novels continue.
"Ode to Joy" is a song to Jupiter/Zeus/ABE......
Joy with its root in JOVIAL and JOVE (JOVE = IOVE = Yoh - Veh).
All the king "gods" by various names are simply a cultural expression of "THE GOD".
the song allows its title to interchange with the "god nom du jour"
Through ONE's unity with GOD (by any name!) and through the action of the "Holy Spirit" (Holy Fire & Holy Water) you experience JOY (in the UNI-Verse) !
make sense ?
if you don't quite get what I'm saying... start with something small... I would suggest the words "WE" and "ME" are a good place to start.
AM I "A WE" or "A ME"?
I AM Both!
When you fully understand that, you will have no need for no-minds seeking to corrupt the Holy letters of "NW and O" for their "OWN" personal gain!
ONE day when you fully understand that, you will 'KNOW' that 'NOW' you have 'WON' and understand how any victory through divisivness can never be theirs.
Yes, I've played around with this a lot. But how does it work in other languages? I'm only versed in English.
And I don't necessarily believe that the NWO can hijack ODE to JOY. However, I think it's important to see how this piece of music is synced with events, funerals, national mourning, festivals and Olympic events as a nod to conditioning us. As always, we have the choice to ignore the more nefarious intent and enjoy the music for what it was meant to be...divinely inspired.
another example...
The non-philosophical (zombie) mind would see 1 / 2 and immediately think the result to be a half.
The philosophical mind would see that 1 / 2 is not a half, and immediately know the result to BE two smaller units of 1.
Great post! Amazing how you explained "Ode to Joy" and great pics! The photos with "X marks the spot" were too cool!
Thanks for a great post!
Hey Strange Eye,
This may be off topic but,
Since when did CNN get in the pun business? And a bad pun at that!
CNN broadcaster Rick Sanchez called this accident: Brake Fast At Tiffany's!
NYPD officer hits 5th Ave Tiffany's, gets DWI
I suppose CNN made the pun in honor of the classic movie (one of my old favorites), "Breakfast at Tiffany's" with Audrey Hepburn.
Brake Fast At Tiffany's...
"Be FAT"
Here's another VERY interesting semiotic sync note from these amazing games...
The major media are reporting the Georgian luger's accident as having been 145 kph and 90 mph.
If we note the 145 as a european notation of date (dd/mm)
we get MAY 14, 2010.
Now we go the 90 mph reported...
If we jump 90 days from the date of the accident, February 12, 2010 we arrive at...
MAY 14, 2010
We can see that the exact same number is repeated in pictures in the above article!
The podium sequence was
Australia - Dale Begg-Smith - left with world rank number 1
Canada - Alexandre Bilodeau - middle with world rank number 4
USA - Bryon Wilson - right with world rank number 5
145 again !!
and "3" for the 3 positions of the podium is taken as "3 months".
3 months is 90 days!
which again, when using the accident date of 2.12.2010 puts us right back at
MAY 14, 2010
It gets even more odd when we note that it was CATriona Le MAY DOAN's arm of the Olympic Cauldron in BC place that had the HYDRaulic problem and didn't rise forcing her to stand alone while the other 3 torch bearers lit the Cauldron !!
catriona le MAY doan
If we zoom right in on the geo coords I determined in the "Tragedy in Vancouver" article we note that we zoom right in on a "BLUE Water Reservoir" in the country of "Georgia".
a "Reservoir de l'eau"
..ouvrez vos yeux...
Jupiter (Zeus/ABe - AB) is the 5th planet in our solar system
MAI / MAY is the 5th month.
It is also interesting to note that day # 144 falls on the 24th of May 2010.
thanks for the BFAT.
Your post comment made me take another look at the luge (vehicle) accident on 2.12.2010.
Which, with the new material in this article, allowed me to consciously see the 145.
We are all ONE!
Another semiotic observance related to all this:
Another vehicle accident...
From the Winnipeg SUN
(a NEWSpaper in my home city - when ZEUS wants you to SEE you need to pay attention or he'll show you again!)
Accident victim condition critical, driver faces DUI charges
By Winnipeg Sun
Last Updated: 15th February 2010, 10:11pm
One man is in critical condition and another is facing impaired driving charges after a single-vehicle crash north of Winnipeg late Saturday night.
Selkirk RCMP were called to the scene on Highway 59, between the entrance to Bird’s Hill Provincial Park and Highway 44, about 11:50 p.m.
It’s believed the car was headed north when it rolled into the east-side ditch. Two of the three men inside the older-model BMW — both passengers — were ejected.
The passengers were rushed to hospital. A 21-year-old man from Oakbank is currently in critical condition at Health Sciences Centre in Winnipeg, RCMP said Monday morning.
The other passenger, a 24-year-old man from Winnipeg, suffered non-life threatening injuries and has since been released from hospital.
Michael Abe Teichroeb, 27, of Winnipeg has been charged with two counts of impaired driving causing bodily harm, two counts of dangerous driving causing bodily harm and one count of refusing to provide a breath sample.
He was released on a recognizance and is scheduled to appear in Selkirk provincial court March 26.
(analysis to follow, ~SE~)
Share the Flame...
(Click to listen)
we ALL do it, we just don't all recognize that we do it...
the woman speaking in the link in the previous comment is "Linda" Schurman.
Hi Strange Eye
On the Amy Bishop issue, I keep noticing items related to the name Seth. Seth was the brother that Amy Bishop shot and is discussed on The Secret Sun.
Our local news announced snowboarder Seth Wescott winning the gold medal yesterday.
"Westcott defends gold, makes history"
Also yesterday the CBS Evening News did a story on the death of Amy Bishop's brother Seth and the reporter was named Seth as well (Seth Doane). At the end of the report the CBS anchor noted the name Seth again.
Nothing happens by accident and surely CBS was aware of the reporter bearing the same name as the Seth Bishop reported in the story. I see some doubling/tripling or repetition of the name Seth with that report.
Besides the Set in Seth, I recall that Seth was the son of Adam in the Bible born after Cain killed Abel. Eve says in the scripture that Seth was to replace Abel who Cain killed.
From Wiki:
"In Gnosticism, Seth is seen as a replacement given by God for Cain and Abel. It is said that late in life, Adam gave Seth secret teachings that would become the kabbalah."
Just to go with your water theme:
Did you see who came in 3rd place? "Bryon Wilson." Well, Brian Wilson was the lead singer of the BEACH BOYS. 3rd place. 3=C=SEA.
More on Brian Wilson from Labyrinth of the Psychonaut:
Excellent link Alan!
Love his vids...
Thanks for reminding me of that one!
I have a reply to BFAT coming soon in a article on an episode of the TV Series FRINGE (S2,E2).
Other NEWS:
Prince Andrew 'hit policeman with car' outside palace
The Duke of York has reportedly struck a uniformed policeman while driving into Buckingham Palace.
Police are investigating the incident in which the officer was apparently trying to move two Japanese tourists out of the way of the prince's 4x4.
The policeman suffered minor injuries to his arm and has made a complaint to his superiors.
A Buckingham Palace spokeswoman described it as "a health and safety matter."
Wikipedia - Prince Andrew, Duke of York
The Prince Andrew, Duke of York (Andrew Albert Christian Edward; born 19 February 1960), is the second son and third child of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. At the time of his birth, he was second in the line of succession to the thrones of eight independent states; however, after additions to the Royal Family, and an evolution of the Commonwealth, Andrew is currently fourth in line to the thrones of 16 countries.
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