Dedicated (and Thank You) to all the "Masters of the Synchroverse" and "Mystic Messengers" over at The Sync Whole - you are all inspiration to many!.
So...All right, a momentary departure from just the astronomy of world events,
and back to the Synchs... and here's one that's got me sync'ing big time ...
or more appropriately for this synchroverse...
ZO - MB - Eye - Land !

In this synchromystic journey through Zombieland, I'm going to look only at the current Trailers and selected clips... as the movie only just came out on October 2nd, 2009. (275th day of 2009 with 90 days remaining in the year - that's 3/4 of a circle for the non-geometers!)
(ZO/OZ/ON ; MB, the 2 alpha-code for Manitoba ; Eye, the symbol of the City of Winnipeg)
I can guess what some are thinking, "there he goes on Winnipeg again"...
of course I AM bringing in Winnipeg, Manitoba - This is a SYNCH article!
What better place to begin... The Earthly home of the Spirit (BA) of Manitou!
...And if we drop those vowels in Manitou we get "MNT"!
Which is how we can relate the Egyptian BA with the Native American word "MaNiTou".
Side Note:
Many do not know that the orginal design of the Freemasons Grand Lodge of Manitoba AF & AM, [ located at 420 Corydon Ave in Wininpeg, Manitoba (Did you catch that "Jupiter 42"? Here's another chance...) ... this section of Corydon Ave in Winnipeg is City Route Number "42". ] in its original architectural design proposal was designed to resemble the Temple of HoRus at Philae Island
... Philae Island remains one of my favorite places that I visited on my travels throughout Egypt! Intriguing genetic engineering story on the walls in the Holy of Holies.
In the BIBLE (on Solomon's Temple):
1 Kings 7
1 But Solomon was building his own house thirteen years, and he finished all his house.
2 He built also the house of the forest of Lebanon; the length thereof was an hundred cubits, and the breadth thereof fifty cubits, and the height thereof thirty cubits...
Take the height of 30 cubits (where 1 cubit = 14 inches)
30 x 14 = 420
Core Eye d'ON
OSBORNE (OZ-Born) and 420 Rt. 42 -
Even Jessie makes an appearance...

Which now brings us to that Movie Tagline...
NWT up or SHUt up.
I see NUT and I see SHU
"But Strange Eye why o' why Nut/NWT, the Egyptian Goddess?" (of which she's actually a representation of a philosophical truth)...
Because my dear reader, October 2 is the Festival of NUT (NWT), the festival of RA and the high Festival of THOTH.
(10.02 is the "22 Thouth" in the rectified calendar)
10.02 is A date for honoring the goddess NUT (NWT).

In the years prior to its official confederation in Canada on July 15, 1870, the bulk of the land that is now Manitoba was part of the monstrosity that was the North West Territories (NWT !!)
from my Aril '09 post - Red River Flood - Bloodline North of the Border - Priory of SION

Click image for animated gif of the evolution of Canada's provinces
Zombieland: Starring:
Woody Harrelson
Woody (Would I/Eye) Harrelson (HoR-El's-Son - Avenging Horus/Montu)
as Tallahassee

The city of Tallahassee, Florida uses a Maple Leaf in its tag-line.
The Maple Leaf is best known as a symbol for CANA-DA!

Jesse Eisenberg
Jesse (Yes See / Iesu) Eisenberg (Eye - Zen - Berg)
The two main characters together express a single divine DUALITY. Light / Dark. Positive / Negative, Good / Bad, Mercy / Severity, God / The Devil. The 2 faces of Janus. The Two aspects of Christ (money changers table throwing / healing and teaching), HoRus / MoNTu, Castor / Pollux, Romulus / Remus ...etc..etc... so on and so forth through the various religious and mythological pantheons.
"Today our very existence is threatened by Epidemics, Climate Change, and dwindling resources...
But those are the least of our problems."
(NOTE: Images are clickable and the names of the images give more info! - Most of the info in the image captions has appeared, in greater detail, in my previous articles or in articles that I've linked to)
Earth from Space (ref: Onedrop and Guy Laliberte - Moving Stars and Earth for Water):

Cloud Busting (ref: Jake Kotze @ The Sync Whole - Cloudy with a Chance of Tom HANKS)

Cloud Busting (ref: Jake Kotze @ The Sync Whole - Cloudy with a Chance of Tom HANKS)

Los Angeles (4 Archangels, and Santa Ana, Avalon and the Holy Rood / Hollywood)

Hollywood Blvd and Route 170 North Highland Ave:
The Kodak Theater...

Hollywood Blvd and Route 170 North Highland Ave:
The Kodak Theater (digitally altered in the trailer! But still recognizable)...

Academy Awards are held at the KoDAK Theater (DAKKoTA)!
9x9 it's OSCAR Time !
To the Octagonal Stargate guarded by the Serpent (path):

To the Octagonal Stargate (highlighted):

Yellow Flowers:

Georgia Power (ATLAN'tis):

Edge (of) Wood and Park PL...

The End is Near (TEN / 10) - 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 ---
thE enD is neaR (RED)

... and Yellow Flowers and Trinity in the city!

FLOW - RIDER, Tallahassee :
Tallahassee has his left leg bound, resonating the Peg Leg...

Tallahassee (through the G8 - portal), the door's AJAR :

Water bottles everywhere... and Even Donald Trump knows Manitoba has got water... He's got a Water production plant for Trump ICE in the Winkler area of Manitoba. (ICE - another word for Diamonds! Diamonds, Trumps, Hearts, Clubs - 4 Archangels)
Witchita - (Bloody obvious!)

Little Rock -

Arkansas - Ark An Saw / Saw An Ark
Frank Albo and the Manitoba Leg on CBC "CANA-DIANA" - (WMV Video)
Columba/Columbia - and the Picture company for this film! COLUMBIA Pictures...
Oh! IO! - a Moon of Jupiter (42) and a trinity with an "A" = IAO.

Tallahassee "My mother always told me someday you'll be good at something..."

I've got the exact same tilling spurs sitting outside my house by my garden! Nothing finer for removing the Weeds between the rows (rose).

Red C on U-FILL / Water:

A Wooden (Wotan) Indian:

Zombie Killin...
with the Spirit Palm...

Blue Gold Pyramids...

Diamonds, Square and Compasses...

Kill of the week and Cynthia Knickerbocker -
88 Keys on a piano --- 88 Constellations in the Sky...
Under the Cross / Cube of the Universe...

Take time to enjoy the little things...

Take time to enjoy the little things...

Stargate, Grecian Key, Diamond...
"Gold 'n' Rose the color of a dream I had..." - Jimi Hendrix

A Diamond, DIA-Monde, DIA-MONTu, and an 8-rayed star.
...and a stairway to heaven...

King George the Red Coat...

The symbol of the Sun, Gold, and a Nipple on the mantel. Point within a circle... and the Fleur de Lis!
On the White Horse / White House
Horse / HoRus
Golf, Witchita style...

Old Kentucky Whiskey...

Yellow hummer, "3"...

Yellow Hummer, Palm trees...

Snake eyes...

Ferris Wheel...

15 Spokes (near the swinging ARK)
360 divided by 15 = 24
24 Hours / HoRus
TUT / Pharaoh Death Mask...

Sphinx head and Ark...

Blue and gold staircase and the Rainbow bridge...

Drivin home the Blue and Gold...

Blue and Gold ... Water and Gold
Hunger Strike...

It's a BAT MAN !
Columbus, Tallahasse down the Aisle...

Aisle = Eye EL = EL's Eye
Blue and Gold around the neck of Tallahassee.
Let themselves go in the junk food aisle...

PURE-X, and dueling banjo's and lot of 5's and 6's!

Gold and Rose and the babbling tower...

Blue dogs...Siriusly, (Lucy in the Sky with) Diamonds and ferris wheels too...

Blue, water, marine, and under the blue dogs a yellow wall... Yellow Sub Marine.
Blue Diamond.
Humm-Dinger of Gold Crash...


4 Archangels, Need some Purell...
Pure EL...

From the Zombieland clips on Yahoo Movies
Look at this Clown! (ref: Guy Laliberte - with Green hair)

RULE # 17
Be a HeRo (HeRu).

Just an Average Joe...

Clown Blasts Off...

Clown Blasts Off 2...
...and the Ferris Wheel / Pendulum of Time...

Peter (petra - Stone) Gabriel (Archangel / ARK Angel)
and the Sledgehammer - Peter Gabriel was with the Clown, Guy Laliberte, from SOUTH AFRICA, in the POETIC SOCIAL MISSION
Peter Grabriel - Sledgehammer (1986)
When Tallahassee goes HULK...
Like the Green Man...

C-I-ATE Your Business... See, I ATE your Business ! Happens in a poor economy!
~NA / AN~
BANning the average JO... with food prices!

Prospecting for Gold...

Twinkie En-Trance-ment...Twinkle Twinkle little Star...
One for BEN @ Pseudo Occult Media...

Do you know the stories about Woody's father?
Charles Voyde Harrelson (July 23, 1938 – March 15, 2007) was an American freelance hitman connected with organized crime (MAFIA) and was convicted of assassinating a federal judge. He was the father of actor Woody Harrelson.
Charles Harrelson is suspected in the assasination (King Kill 33) of President John F. Kennedy in Dealey Plaza as one of the "tramps".
(* resonating with my August '09 article - The Enigmatic Math of Ted Kennedy)
and then there's ...
The Winnipeg Airport Incidents
... a lengthy article entitled “The Man Who Heard Too Much” (The Third Decade, Nov. 1990) about the allegations of the late Richard Giesbrecht, who overheard two men talking in the Horizon Room at the Winnipeg International Airport, which led him to believe they might have been involved somehow in the assassination of President Kennedy. The incident was discussed in some detail in the obscure 1969 book The Kennedy Conspiracy (Meredith Press: NY) by Paris Flammonde, and more recently a summary was provided in the 1993 book Who’s Who In The JFK Assassination (Citadel Press: NY) by Michael Benson.Much more story HERE
My 1990 article was based primarily on secondary sources such as the Winnipeg Free Press coverage both in 1964 and 1967 (when Mr. Giesbrecht identified one of the men as being David Ferrie); a lengthy article in the Nov. 1967 issue of Maclean’s magazine; a 1968 Winnipeg Tribune report; a surprisingly thorough National Enquirer article; a brief reference in two 1968 Ramparts articles by William Turner; and the above mentioned reference in Flammonde’s book as well as Coup D’État In America. I was also able to speak to Giesbrecht himself and other family members, along with his former lawyer (who now lives in B.C.), the reporters who wrote the articles in the WFP, the WT, and Maclean’s, and even former FBI agent James Hosty.
Shortly after publication of my article, I finally received FBI documents dealing with the allegations, including a six-page summary of SA Merle Nelson’s interview (conducted in Winnipeg), as well as an interview with a TV station manager whom Giesbrecht had contacted. I was able to locate the former manager, who was much more supportive of Giesbrecht’s sincerity than the FBI report suggested.
The HoR-EYE-ZONe rm... !
Anyone familiar with the creation of the Intelligence apparatus of North America (CSE/CSIS/NSA/CIA/DIA) would immediately recognize Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada as the home of Sir William Stephenson the founding father of it all!
From Wikipedia:
Stephenson was born William Samuel Clouston Stanger on January 23, 1897 in the Point Douglas area of Winnipeg, Manitoba in Canada. His mother was from Iceland and his father was from the Orkney Islands. He was adopted rather early by an Icelandic family after his parents no longer could care for him, and given his foster parents' name, Stephenson.
"James Bond is a highly romanticized version of a true spy. The real thing s...William Stephenson" -- Ian Fleming, The Times, October 21, 1962.
Call mr Dr. Harrelson...
Woody Harrelson among 5 recipients of honorary degrees from York University
(CP) – 6 days ago
TORONTO — Actor Woody Harrelson will be one of five recipients of honorary degrees from York University this week.
The American actor and environmental activist will receive an honorary doctor of laws from the Toronto university on Saturday.
York notes Harrelson has used his celebrity and led by example in promoting environmental causes.
The other honorary degree recipients are: Timothy Price, chairman of Brookfield Funds at Brookfield Asset Management Inc.; Rev. Brent Hawkes, a prominent gay rights activist; Alvin Curling, a former Ontario cabinet minister and envoy to the Dominican Republic; and Shelagh Wilkinson, a scholar and activist for improved access to higher education and health and political rights for women.
10.17.2009 - Interview with Dr. Woody Harrelson (honorary) in the Toronto Star
Bill Murray in Zombieland:
Don't forget Rule #17 "Be A Heru."
Fully loaded, custom, organic, gourmet, homecooked breakdown my fine feathered friend.
Totally torrenting Ozmbieland NOW!!
Not a chance my friend!
It's in there!
Thanks Jon... and thanks for the Video Software info!
Great post.
Loved in the film how the twinkies were called submarines and yellow.
Peace In
How do you guys do it? The arc of the diver. The skill of the syncro masters. To put that much egyptian synchs in one movie, means to me that is why the movie was made. Pure and simple. Wood eye is an intelligent human being. Great work! Dennis
You sold me, Strangey- definitely gotta check this out.
Jake Kotze, a South Afrikaan transplanted to Winnipeg, has a Woody over at The Sync Whole in the Golden Way of Woody
(Couldn't resist that! LOL)
Collectively, Thank You to the commenters!
Jake and Jim speaking on the Sounds of Sherwood podcast here:
If you've read through this post and you're curious about Synchromysticism, this is a good place to start.
this is america in one year
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