(...ok, it's really more like an Intro to the Intro....)

Before We Begin:
To those who hate numbers today as much as they did way back on that 3rd grade math exam, I apologize!
But the CALENDAR is based on numbers!
Try to make your way through it and I'll attempt to flesh out the basics in the upcoming articles. Feel free to post a comment about anything you'd like to have made more clear.
as I've mentioned before on my Twitter Page, (HINT: the "MORE" button at the bottom of the Twitter Page is your friend, click it!!) I'll almost always check the "dates" against the END DATE of the MAYA Calendar which is 12 December 2012
and as the planet VENUS was instrumental in the MAYA Calendar I also often check against the FINAL Transit of VENUS of the MAYA Calendar on 5 June 2012 (BEGIN at 6/5/2012 @ 10:13 PM (UTC) as viewed from Washington, DC)
(I use the more appropriate date of '6/5/12' because that's the date when the 2012 Venus Transit will occur in the "Home of the MAYA" which is North, Central, and South America )
I Actually use Gregorian, MAYA, Julian, Hebrew, and Egyptian calendars as my primary "date testing" calendars...
but we'll explore the uses and WHYs of the various Calendar systems in later installments.
(Bloomberg Article)

So now that we have the background...
let's GO dig out some number Syncs:
(and look for "checksums" to know we're on the right track)
Note that the Bloomberg Article above says:
"4" were killed and "38" homes destroyed...
Note the individual digits: 4,3,8
From and including: Thursday, September 9, 2010
To, but not including : Friday, December 21, 2012
is... 834 days! (or 119 weeks)
834 (days)
4,3,8 (4 killed 38 homes destroyed)
119 (weeks) is reverse of 911
reverse the digits
4,3,8 to 8,3,4
and you get the EXACT number days (834) between the PG&E Explosion (of 9/9/2010) in San Bruno, Cal and the END DATE of the MAYA CALendar (12/21/2012)
Mercury NEWS coverage:
"San Mateo County opened emergency centers and a shelter at the San Bruno Recreation Center while activating a reverse 911 message system to alert residents."
"Two brothers, Bob and Ed Pellegrini, live near the house at the center of the explosion, reported to have occurred at Claremont and Glenview drives"
"It looked like hell on earth. I have never seen a ball of fire that huge," Bob PELLEGRINI said.
Something struck me as odd about those "brothers",
and it wasn't ONLY the fact that there's "19" words in the paragraph:
"It looked like hell on earth. I have never seen a ball of fire that huge," Bob PELLEGRINI said.
so we investigate possibilities by searching (google, bing, etc) for "Pellegrini"
We find:
PELLIGRINI = 4/29/1675
1+6+7+5 = 19 (1+9 = 10)
For our "19" so we continue looking at G.A. Pellegrini's Birthday
16+75 = 91 (9+1=10)
aha... "19" reversed is "91"
(While we're looking, we make a quick check to "2012" or /12
4/29/75 (works)...
So now we look at "4/29" as related to this event date:
We start with this year, 2010 (or /10 as a 2 digit year on a date)
(Recall: we found a "10" already from the '19' as "1+9")
From and including: Thursday, April 29, 2010
To, but not including : Thursday, September 9, 2010
is 133 days (or 4 months, 11 days or 19 weeks) excluding the end date
4,11 = 4,2
What's the posted at "time" on that Bloomberg article in the picture above?
Right.. 4:11
Early story at SF Gate
Deputy San Mateo County Coroner April Florent said "there are deaths, but we do not have a number right now." She said it would take awhile to compile a count because investigators must go from house to house.
APRIL 29 (4/29) is day number 119 of the Gregorian Calendar
4,38 = 4 , 11 or 4,2
4,29 = 4 , 11 or 4,2
The time of the Explosion was 6:15 pm (or 18:15)
18 + 15 = 33
The official time of 6:15 was taken from the ORIGINAL (not the now UPDATED) article at
Check out the photo slideshow of the area at MERCURY NEWS
Did someone say MERCURY (aka the Greek Hermes)??
Right... that was ME!

PG&E is, of course, an anagram of "PEG"
"PEG" is the nickname of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
The BLOOMBERG article above shows us the same "6, 15" info, as above, in this way:
"...The Pipeline ruptured at about 6pm local time starting a fire that spread rapidly over an area of 15 acres..."
6 pm and 15
6 pm in 24hr time is 18:00
18pm + 15 acres = 33
From 9.9.2010 forward to the next 4.29 (4/29/2011) is 33 weeks
From the 4.29 of 2012
4.29.12 to 12.21.2012 (maya calendar end date) is 33 weeks
SAINT JaSON's Day, (Day number 119 of the Gregorian CALendar)...
4/29 is "The CENTER" (see Mercury NEWS Pellegini above)
If you haven't yet caught on...
Try this:
12 + 21 = 33
3x3 (3 squared) = 9
View Larger Map
"a thunderous explosion rocked the Crestmoor community in the area of Skyline Boulevard and Sneath Lane about 6:15 p.m." - Mercury NEWS
Route 35 (Skyline Blvd) and Route 82 (Sneath Ln) (West of i-280)
35 = 3 + 5 = 8
82 = 8 + 2 = 10 = 1
81 = 9 x 9
(or 9^2 = 81)
(9 squared = 81)
(Explosion happened on "9/9")
35 + 82 = 117 ((1+1)+7 or 2,7)
See also 117 on Wikipedia
82 - 35 = 47 = 4+7 = 11
Recall: West of i-280
4 x 7 = 28
Remember the SAN JOSE MINE COLLAPSE in Chile?
The one with the "33" trapped miners that happened on 8/5/2010 at 14:00 (EDT).
Maybe this way...
"35" days before the Explosion on Skyline Blvd (Cal State Route "35")?
The 33 miners that were finally located "17" days after the collapse on 8.22.10
Recall: Cal State Route 82 is Sneath Lane.
State Route 35 (SR 35) in the U.S. State of California, generally known as Skyline Boulevard, is a 2-lane road running along the western ridge of Silicon Valley in California. It runs from
Highway 17 to San Francisco at State Route 1.
The Silicon Valley area is often referred to simply
SAN JOSE is spanish for Saint JOSEPH, Jesus's (Hey Zeus) earthly father.
Saint Joseph is one of the saints that gets a double Feast Day. One on 3/19 and then a second one (2 days after 4/29) on MAY DAY or 5/1 (aka the other LABOUR DAY.)
As a matter of fact, I posted an article on MAY DAY back in 2009
Just West of Skyline Boulevard is San Andreas Lake, outside the city limits, which gave its name to the famous San Andreas Fault in 1895
The San Andreas Fault is a continental transform fault that runs a length of roughly 810 miles (1,300 km) through California in the United States.
810 = 9 x 9 x 10 (maybe it's easier to read this way... 9/9/10)
We'll explore the deeper connections and how one thing points to another in further installments in this "CAL-Ender Mysteries" series.
Also Interesting:
PUC, PG&E Investigate Complaints of Gas Prior to Explosion
Still MUCH more to come...
In the meantime....
check out This Strange Eye Blog (March, 2010) article
and you'll also benefit greatly from this Strange Eye Blog article:
(The Creation mystery of "6": 24,15,33,51,42 is covered in...)
(and you'll see why the "33" is "the CENTER" or the "mid-point")
6 Days of Creation - the Ring, the Sphere, and Jimi Hendrix
Did U notice the "9/9" (at 18 Secs, see microphone) in the video of the My Lil PO-NY explosion on 9/7/2010 from WATER-BRIDGE Elementary (WEM3 spinner = MB) ?
Youtube Link
See Also:
Suspicious 'FurReal' pony blown up near elementary school
9/11/2001 Trivia:
It is 4,119 days from 9/11/01 to 12/21/2012 (MAYA "CAL-ENDER" DATE)
(Recall, 4/29 is day 119 of the Gregorian calendar)
9/9/10 Trivia:
NFL: Vikings vs. Saints game was the most-watched NFL regular season game on any network in 14 years with 27 million viewers (New Orleans Saints 14, Minnesota Vikings 9, Final)
(2 x 7 = 14, 2 + 7 = 9)
(9 - 2 = 7)
N.O.S. = SON / SUN
MINNesota VI-Kings
On 9/11/10
Madison, WI - John Clay ran for 137 yards and a pair of scores for 11th-ranked Wisconsin State, which posted a 27-14 victory over San Jose State to record its 15th consecutive home opening win.
On 9/11/10
Cal pummeled Colorado 52-7 in front of 55,440 at Memorial Stadium (Berkley,CA)
(Story at San Jose MERCURY NEWS)
SAINTs Trivia:
The Feastday of Saint BRUNO / San Bruno is 10/6
From and including: Thursday, September 9, 2010
To, but not including : Wednesday, October 6, 2010
is 27 days
SAN JOSE, Saint JOSEPH, is one of "those saints" that gets a double Feast Day. One on 3/19 and then a second one on 5/1.
SAN ANDREAS, Saint ANDREW has a Feast Day on 11/3
The Feastday of Saint MATTHEW / San MATEO is 9/21.
More SPORTS Trivia:
NHL: Tampa Bay Lightning and Chicago Blackhawks (Capt. Jonathan Toews from Winnipeg born 4/29/88) Play in the PEG on 9/22/10 (Autumnal Equinox)
Astronomy Trivia:
The exact time of 2010 Autumnal Equinox is September 22, 2010 at 11:09 PM EDT
On 9/11/10, a crescent VENUS was occulted (in conjuction and obscured) by the MOON.
(Double Rainbow!)
(Pictures Here)
Strange Eye Blog Trivia:
This is article #114.
(Yes, I know 114 doesn't = 87, but some haven't been published
2012 (Film)
And I'll include this trailer seeing as this new TV series starts on NBC on 9/20/10 at 9 pm/8c... starring Jason Ritter....
Stay Tuned for Much More in the "CAL-Ender Mysteries series"...
and if you're in Canada check out the 27th Annual VMAs on Much More on 9/12/2010.
UPDATE 9/12/2010 20:00:
You might also like This Strange Eye Blog EMINEM article from June 2010
UPDATE 9/13/2010 20:24

J.C. Reilly in Hard Eight
(Props to the SYNC WHOLE blog and "Cosmic Ti69er" for the image)
UPDATE 9/20/2010 23:14

Flight "AVI-514",
5/14/1948: ISRAEL Independenence Day
Flight "AVI-514", AVI = "my father" in Hebrew.
A diminutive of AVRAHAM - 5/14/1948 State of ISRAEL was created.
^^ See THE EVƎNT Trailer above @ 03:55 ^^
5/14 is a 'DAY' in 'MAY'
It is 236 days from: Monday, September 20, 2010
to: Saturday, May 14, 2011
Or 7 months, 24 days (or 33 weeks)
"What's wrong with 7 ?"
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