Sunday, September 13, 2009

Stars of the 2009 MTV VMAs...(times and 6 updates)

As the Music Stars stroll the Red Carpet and take their seats for tonight's 2009 MTV Video Music Awards (VMAs) (on 9.13.09) several stars, planets and objects will be appearing in interesting locations in the evening sky over Rockefeller Center, NY.
and the Washington Monument in Washington,DC.

Times given are for Washington,DC but the relative sky position difference between DC and NY is about 10-15 minutes.

The 2009 MTV VMAs are taking place LIVE at Radio City Music Hall in New York, NY.

In Washington at 8:25pm Eastern the star SPICA, in the constellation of Virgo (and featured in the book The Secret Zodiacs of Washington DC by David Ovason) is setting - crossing the horizon line almost due West.

Most interestingly the minor planet/asteroid CERES is in the center of Virgo!

In the EAST we have the planet Jupiter, in Capricorn

The Archangel Gabriel, otherwise known as the star FOMALHAUT is also rising in the East.

Saturn, Mercury, and the Sun will have just set below the HOR-I-ZON before the head of Virgo.

SPICA (and Ceres) in Virgo setting West

8:25pm EDT FOMALHAUT (Archangel Gabriel) rising AZ +129 deg / 0 deg

Sun (Virgo) at AZ 285 deg / ALT -13 Deg
Moon (Gemini) at AZ 353deg / ALT -28 deg
Jupiter (Capricorn) at AZ 136deg / ALT 23 deg
Saturn (Virgo) at AZ 283 deg / ALT -10 deg
Venus (Cancer) at AZ 314 deg / ALT -23 deg
Mercury (Virgo) at AZ 272 deg / ALT -11 deg
Mars (Gemini) AZ 359 deg / ALT -27 deg
Uranus (Aquarius) at AZ 103 deg / ALT 11 deg
Neptune (Capricorn) at AZ 132 deg / ALT 22 deg
OPHIUCHUS AZ 210 deg / ALT 33 deg
Arcturus AZ 272 deg / ALT 28 deg
Galactic Center / Milky Way at AZ 195 deg / ALT 14 deg
Aldebaran (Archangel Michael) AZ 35 deg / ALT -26 deg
Antares (Archangel Uriel) at AZ 213 deg / ALT 17 deg
Regulus (Archangel Raphael) at AZ 306 deg / ALT -21 deg
Pleiades AZ 39 deg / ALT -15 deg

(more updates on this topic coming soon...)

Be sure to check out my post(s) from August on the 2009 MTV VMAs


8:18 - 8:21 pm (note the time with the star positions above!)
Buzz Aldrin, yes THE BUZZ ALDRIN, the second man to set foot on the MOON, and the inspiration for the MTV VMA "Moon-Man Award" just awarded Matt and Kim - Lessons Learned as Breakthrough Video.

Buz is creditted for the First Freemasonic Ceremony on the Moon! The Moon was claimed for the Maosnic jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Texas.
Edwin E. "BUZ" Aldrin is and was a Freemason.
Read more at Bro. Buzz Aldrin Reports Back to the House of the Temple

8:25pm Taylor Swift just arrived in a all white dual horse-drawn carriage. White for purity. Virgo the Virgin just passed the Hor-i-zon in the West (see above).

8:55pm BEYONCE KNOWLES in an appropriate for the Feast of The Cross red dress.

The show is set to start with a Tribute to MJ Michael Jackson.

9:00-9:07 - Like a VIRGIN ! Madonna opens the show! and eulogizes MJ, "Long live the King".


"Smooth Criminal"
"Scream" feat. Janet Jackson

Show opens with MTV Music Awards announcement at 9:13pm

9:13pm KATY (KT) Perry sings QUEEN's "We Will Rock You" / Joined by Joe Perry and then Russell Brand in his Masonic Master top hat.

9:22pm Taylor Lautner (TWILIGHT) and SHAKIRA (both talking wolves/lyncanthropes ;) ( She-Wolf and Twilight ) just as the WOLF (FLOW) LUPUS drops below the HORIZON at AZ 225 deg.

9:24pm SHAKIRA presents the Moon Man for Best Female Video to TAYLOR SWIFT - "You Belong With Me".

9:25pm Kanye West cuts off Taylor Swift to say that BEYONCE had "one of the best videos of all time".

9:35pm Jack Black with Leighton Meester prays to SATAN.

UPDATE 4 (post show):

Wow... what a show!

The whole thing was stage-play of the night sky overhead...

9:25pm Kanye West cuts off Taylor Swift to say that BEYONCE had one of the best

videos of all time. (Judgement - Libra scales at horizon at AZ 238 deg / worshipping Beyonce as the ALTAR drops below the horizon at AZ 202 deg)

9:35pm Jack Black with Leighton Meester prays to SATAN.
Last star of the RAM/ARIES (Horns) touches the horizon as it rises in the East at AZ 63 degrees
Algol AZ 47 deg / ALT 13
Metallah AZ 66 / ALT 19

1937 on Subway car... 1952 and 1945
9:37 Taylor Swift on platform and then red dress in the subway car (1928) 9:38, Bryant Park and 42nd Street
Pulls herself up on a seat and post with "Rockefeller Exp... 47-50th Street " in frame.
Exits from car 1928...

(SIDE NOTE: 1928 Election just before the CRASH)

9:49-9:53 Lady GAGA with a twisted version of Paparazzi and her own death.
Virgo near to fully passed the horizon (dies).

10:03 Nelly Furtado (Sagittarius) Kristin Cavallari (Capricorn)
Britney Spears WOMANIZER (10:04)

10:06 East Jesus Nowhere - Green day.
Antares (Archangel URIEL) at the Horizon

10:09 lots of people on stage
"a fire burns today of blasphemy and genocide the science of decay will infiltrate the innocent"

10:16 Taylor Lautner (Aquarius) / Kristen Stewart (Aries) / Robert Pattinson (TAURUS)
Twilight NEW MOON preview @ 10:17

10:20 - Chase Crawford and NE-YO
Introduces BEYONCE

Beyonce in the pyramid of green lasers

10:23 - SINGLE LADIES (Virgo is a single lady) puts on the Witchblade (left hand - same hand that Virgo holds the sheath of wheat / Sprig of Acacia / Olive Branch - Spica). When you "Put a ring on it" you've got to consummate so SHE will no longer be a VIRGIN (Virgo almost full set)

10:25 - Bull/Taurus at the horizon rising
antares setting and libra set
Virgo fully set

10:30 jamie lynne Siegler and Diddy...
Best Male Video
TI - Miss Independence (virgo set)

10:30 Gerard Butler - MUSE Uprising
(Taurus rising in the East passed horizon)
Ursa Major touches horizon - video behind band shows teddy bears

Pepsi - Best bew artist 97979

10:47 "Hope it gives you hell"
(Scorpio drops below the Horizon)

10:47 J-LO
Best hip hop video
Eminem - We Made You
Ophiuchus at the horizon

10:51-52 JAY Z on his way

10:56 Arcturus at horizon 295 deg
Serpent at horizon

10;57 Tracy morgan and Eminem
10:59 Lady GAGA all in red (for God and for the gays - Feast of the Cross dress)

11:00 Serena Williams (Sister is VENUS Williams)

11:00 PINK Blindfolded (heart, with legs in checkboard, purple)
Pink/Alecia Beth Moore born 9/8 (Leo)
Leo has Archangel Raphael (color: purple)
"according to Enoch 10:5-7: "And again the Lord said to Raphael: 'Bind Azazel hand and foot, and cast him into the darkness: and make an opening in the desert, which is in Dudael, and cast him therein. And place upon him rough and jagged rocks, and cover him with darkness, and let him abide there for ever, and cover his face that he may not see light. And on the day of the great judgement he shall be cast into the fire."
If you saw the Pre-Show you'll remember that PINK arrived on a FIRE Truck...
11:01 removes blindfold
trapeze act
- Performing in the SKY!! The show and the Night's Sky...
Trapeze act demands courage of a LION.

More like Arcturus in Bootes. Bootes could resemble a hanging trapeze artist. Arcturus on horizon at AZ 295 deg.

11:05 ends her performance

11:11 Jimmy Fallon and Andy Samberg
11:13 Announce BEYONCE as video of the Year

11:14 Beyonce gives it up for Taylor (mentions being 17 years old in Destiny's Child)
Taylor Swift / Beyonce - Aldebaran at horizon (Archangel Michael - Battles SATAN and rights all wrongs!)

11:22 Jayz Arrival with Alicia Keys (Jay Z (Sagittarius born Dec 4) - Alicia Keys (Aquarius born January 25))
Sagittarius starting to set at AZ 220 deg.
Aquarius at highest point, almost due South AZ 180 / ALT 50 deg.

Shawn Corey Carter (JAY-Z, J-Hova)
Alicia Augello Cook (Alicia Keys)

Carter (C=3), Cook(C=3)
CC = 33
3 x 3 = 9

11:23 JAY Z on stage
a tribute to New York
New York has the Statue of Liberty (Goddess Virgo/Ceres/Columbia)...
"I`m right down in Tribec next to DeNiro."
De Niro - Raging Bull!
"Hail Mary to the city your a VIRGIN.."
Self explanatory if you've read the rest of this post!

Aldebaran (Archangel Michael in TAURUS) above horizon

11:28 Jay-Z and Alicia finish

11:28 "This is It" - MJ Michael Jackson movie due for release on October 28th.

11:31 end of show - Russell Brand "HARE KRISHNA"
(and if you understand it, it's not inappropriate for the Feast of the Cross 9-13 to 9-15)

To see a replay of the night sky events you simply set your view location to Washington DC on Stellarium or Redshift 7 and use the Eastern Daylight Times I've provided.

- Stellarium (FREE - Linux, Windows XP/Vista, Mac OS X)

- Redshift 7 Launcher (FREE - XP/Vista)

All in all it appears the night was mostly focused around the constellation Virgo (SaTURn, Sun, Mercury, CERES) setting in the West. (Celebration of the Divine Feminine)

The Associated Press covered Kanye West's interruption of Taylor Swift's shocked acceptance speech..
Kanye West outburst rains on Swift's MTV parade

Empire State of Mind - JAY Z feat Alicia Keys


See MTV's 2009 VMA site for videos and more...
(in Canada visit MTV Canada's 2009 VMA Site)
(In Europe visit MTV Europe)


  1. Interesting star alignments.

    We have to embrace the Cosmic Consciousness through true astrology in-order to liberate the human spirit from ignorance and religious fears.

  2. That is just awesome that you compare the stars above with the ones below during the VMAs, and it works. What inspired you to make this connection for this specific date and event?

  3. Tommy,
    thanks man!

    It was the "The Stars Align" line on all the promo made me look to the sky (using Stellarium and Redshift 7).

    And just wait until my updates are done...

    The whole thing was a big play, to the very minute, from start to finish, of the stars and constellations traversing the night sky.


  4. tommy,

    I should...



  5. "This Lady Gaga performance is some sort of warped homage to Madonna’s famous 1984 “Like a Virgin” moment." -Rolling Stone

    I totally agree and the Virgo/Virgin situation applies to your timeline. Right?

  6. Indeed it does Anonymous!

    "9:49-9:53 Lady GAGA with a twisted version of Paparazzi and her own death.
    Virgo near to fully passed the horizon (dies)."

    The constellation of Virgo was passing from the visible night sky to under the horizon (the Underworld / Death) as Lady Gaga performed on the stage.


  7. I found it interesting that JAY-Z's main man, right hand, Kanye West was the one to interrupt Taylor Swift.

    Not saying it was a setup - A symbolic self-sacrifice by Kanye for the Black Madonna, Beyonce (Wife of JAY-Z)... but J-Hova is a smart cat. Just that without it happening the "Most Memorable Event" of the VMAs would not have occured!

    WEST is the key word to look at - as in look to the West - and the setting VIRGO.

    And how else could you exemplify the rising Archangel Michael, metter of justice, in the East.

    Michael has a feast day this month (9/29) known as Michaelmas


  8. You could say that Kanye West was playing SaTURn when he snuck up behind Taylor Swift (Virgo) and stole the spotlight. He made her cry, something that was mentioned a few times...

    Thus she symbolically became the "Weeping Virgin".


  9. Fascinating, thank you.

  10. After reading this:

    11:14 Beyonce gives it up for Taylor (mentions being 17 years old in Destiny's Child)
    Taylor Swift / Beyonce - Aldebaran at horizon (Archangel Michael - Battles SATAN and rights all wrongs!)

    i saw this on a website:
    heidimontag: congrats @taylorswift13 on your vma!!! you deserve it more than anyone!! I saw the devil in action when kanye west stole your mic! u rock!!!

    ...and had to burst out laughing.

  11. These are some amazing insights. Awesome work!
    I guess they weren't lying at all with their hint 'The Stars Align.' It really makes you wonder just how many other 'hints' are out there.

    'As Above, So below' indeed!

  12. you guys have got to get over to the industry - its a great upcoming community of investigations....

  13. Shakira Releases “Did It Again” Music Video
