Ok, here's a blog post I never thought I'd write, but today's crappy weather in the 'Peg has me bummed out!
Seeing as I can't get my outside work done today, might as well share some info with the readers of Strange Eye.
I've kept track this summer of every nice warm/hot day and then every rainy cold day. Here's a sequential photographic example (individual snaps taken over 30 consecutive minutes) of what I've noticed after every few warm days taking place in the skies over Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada ...
It seems that when we finally get the nice blue skies that I remember seeing as a child in Winnipeg, these planes take to the sky and lay out their grid patterns. Within 1/2 an hour to 45 minutes, the sky hazes over and clouds begin to form.
1:19 pm
1:45 pm
I know there's much controversy over these flights and the resulting clouds that form after they happen. Some people refer to them as "persistent contrails" and others as "chemtrails".
Here's the bio-effects after an aerial "chemtrail spraying":
I personally don't know what they are, but I do know they ALTER THE WEATHER! 100% of the time.
After several years of observance, I can now, simply based on these strange flights, predict the next day's weather with 100% accuracy.
If we've had a few days of great sunny weather and these planes spray these lines in the sky, the next day 100% of the time will be cool and cloudy/rainy!
So the next time you have great weather in your city or town... look up! and Keep track of the results and see what happens the day after the "chemtrails".
Search youtube for "Chemtrails" for more videos.
But who is doing this you might ask?
Well it appears there are many contractors working under various government programs!
One of the oldest is Weather Modification Inc., with HQ in Fargo, North Dakota and operating out of Grand Forks AFB, North Dakota
It seems Weather Modification Inc. also puts its technology to "helpful use". The Insurance companies in the Canadian Province of Alberta have (for over a decade) contracts with Weather Modification Inc. to provide cloud seeding serivces to reduce the size of potentially damaging hail. They spray the clouds and the hail falls early (thus smaller in size) resulting in reduced insurance claims for the insurance companies.
The others have been linked to projects belonging to the US military and the "DOE", an acronym for the Department of Energy
One thing we do know with documented certainty (Thanks to the archives at NAP.edu and the 50 year declassification time limit on some classified military projects) is that in the 1950's the US Army sprayed highly toxic cadmium in the air over Southern Manitoba...
"From 1950 through 1953, the US Army released chemical clouds over six US and Canadian cities. The tests were designed to test dispersal patterns of chemical weapons. Army records noted that the compounds used over Winnipeg, Canada, where there were numerous reports of respiratory illnesses, involved cadmium, a highly toxic chemical."
It was later revealed that the true purpose of the US Army experiment over the 3 years in the '50's that it was conducted was, in conjuction with the medical system and records from Manitoba, to track the long-term development of Alzheimer's, Multiple Sclerosis, Brain Lesions and pulmonary effects resulting from exposure to various chemical-cocktails through aerial spraying.
For some other possible nefarious connections see Natural NEWS
It's All Under Control - Permit Required... on Strange Eye blog, August 22, 2009.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Monday, August 9, 2010
Jimmy Fallon does Neil Young - Double Rainbow
Here's Jimmy (James Thomas, Jr) Fallon doing a funny impersonation of Winnipeg's own, Neil Young.
(from 7/29/2010)
Double Rainbow = 42 x 2 or 42+42 = 84
(to read more on the rainbow and 42 degrees see About Rainbows)
We don't see a full circle because the earth gets in the way. The lower the sun is to the horizon, the more of the circle we see -right at sunset, we would see a full semicircle of the rainbow with the top of the arch 42 degrees above the horizon. The higher the sun is in the sky, the smaller is the arch of the rainbow above the horizon.
Props to Jake Kotze of the Sync Whole and The Blob for the link.
It's awesome to see the subjects I've (We've) mentioned several times in tweets and comments @the sync whole (Jimmy Fallon, Yosemite Bear, and Neil Young) brought together in a segment by Jimmy.
The segment by Jimmy even resonates 'the Golden Boy on the Manitoba Legislative Building in Winnipeg', as he chose Neil Young's "Heart of Gold" / "Harvest Moon" attire and style to perform in.
The mock song is obviously based on the viral Double Rainbow video by a guy known as Yosemite Bear
(src: yosemitebear.net)
For more info and background on the "Double Rainbow" see The Sync Whole (try a search in the upper left blogger search box for "rainbow")
FYI: Yosemite National Park, California, USA was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in '84
42 in occult math is also 8 (4x2) and 16 (4^2) and Four Twos (2222, 2+2+2+2=8, 2x2x2x2=16)
Jimmy Fallon, J=10, F=6 = 16 (or 4^2, or 2x2x2x2)