...and a Happy 24th Birthday to CIARA not to be confused with the Irish saint, Saint Ciara
For those following along on Redshift 7 or Stellarium: 8:30 PT is 03:30 GMT / Universal Time. (set your Location to Los Angeles)
The Show took place at the Rose Bowl stadium East of Los Angeles in Pasadena,CA.
1001 Rose Bowl Dr Pasadena, CA 91103, United States Telephone area code (626) Coordinates: 34°9′41″N 118°10′3″W 34.16139°N 118.1675°W 34.16139; -118.1675
34 (7) 118 (10) 7+10 = 17
The Black Eyed Peas opened the show - their part of the show was not broadcast on YouTube.
Rocko Reedy (Stage Manager U2-360 and Roadie with U2 for 17 years) opens the show, talks about 330 road-crew and informs the crowd about the YouTube world wide broadcast of the show. Rocko Reedy also plays in a band called "Rocko and the Devils"
Before the Show:
21:03 PDT / 12:03 EDT Scorpio to the Right (West) (in the sky): 21 = 3 : 3 (33)
The Astronomy and Syncs of SaTURday (k)Night Live 35 - 10.17.2009
(The concepts in this article have been covered in my previous postings from August-October '09)
Saturday Night Live (SNL) is a weekly late-night sketch comedy and variety show filmed in New York City. ... The show is broadcast live in the Central and Eastern time zones (with a time delay in the Mountain Time Zone and Pacific Time Zone) from Studio 8H at the GE Building in New York's Rockefeller Center.
SNL is broadcast on NBC:
NBC uses the peacock as its logo. The "Peacock Angel" is also "Melek Taus", the equivalent of the Christian/Biblical Satan. In Christian religions Satan is also known as The Great Beast.
Well it looks like the writers of SNL decided to give props to this blog and create an ASTRONOMICAL (and occult) SNL Episode...
This 10.17.2009 episode of SNL had the common theme of "Asses" - yes I mean rumps, buttocks, derrieres, bootys... Why? To point to the STARS of course! As in the constellation of the white winged equine (Horse / Horus) Pegasus (Peg-ASUS). (the pale equine-ox)
For more on the backstory of the Chimaera Dragon Goat (Capricorn), Lycia, Pegasus and how Jupiter/Iove/Zeus made it a constellation in the heavens see the story of Bellerophon.
In this Episode we also have the actor and host of this SNL, the scottish (RITE) actor Gerard Butler. Scotland is the birthplace of modern organized Freemasonry, home to the famous "sea monster", the Loch Ness Monster, and the former castle/home "Boleskine House" of Aleister Crowley at Loch Ness.
SHAKIRA, whom we've visited several times over the past two months on this blog, also makes an appearance. Fitting it should be on the 17th of October (Octo = 8 = 1+7) after my article "Shakira Epic Sync-Winks the 17". SHAKIRA performed two songs, "She Wolf" and "Did it Again" from her new CD "She Wolf"
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson reprises his role as "The RockObama" from last season as Barack Obama turning into "The Incredible Hulk" - the famous 'Green Man' (Osiris) in royal purple shorts of Marvel comics.
The Incredible Hulk
James "Harry Osborn" Franco, joins the cast of this SNL. He's also played a 'Green Man', that also wears a purple costume, in his role in the Spiderman movies as "The Green Goblin". We should make a special note of his character's name, Harry Osborn... HoR Eye OZ-Born.
The Green Goblin:
SHAKIRA - Gerard Butler - James Franco
Obama - Green Man - Hulk
Note: the HoRses statue behind the Senators - one large, one little - first seen @ 0:38 then again @ 0:56 The two-horse statue accentuates Pegasus (Peg Asses) (big horse in the two-horse statue) and Equuleus (foal / little horse in the two-horse statue)
"In Greek mythology, one myth associates Equuleus with the foal Celeris (meaning "swiftness" or "speed"), who was the offspring or brother of the winged horse Pegasus. Celeris was given to Castor by Mercury. Other myths say that Equuleus is the horse struck from Neptune's trident, during the contest between him and Athena when deciding which would be the superior. Because this section of stars rises before Pegasus, it is often called Equus Primus, or the First Horse. Equuleus is also linked to the story of Philyra and Saturn."
The Great Beast - To Mega Therion
The Beast -
In this skit we see the Beast. This Beast is representative of Baphomet (the Eliphas Levi version) and Aleister Crowley.
Kristen Wiig played "Belle" (BAAL) "You BOTH look like Beasts to me!" (3:03) Hader/Lumiere Gerard Butler played the Beast. "G"erard "B"utler, "G"reat "B"east. Mega Therion
and the funniest line of the night goes to Bill Hader as Lumiere - "Although once in college I dated a menorah"
His Cabala of Pegasus is a philosophical text in which he equates the winged Mercury (ref: Golden Boy) with Peagsus and the Cillenican Ass and addresses the assininity of religion and academia.
Adam Weishaupt (1st Man - adam / Wise Head - Weishaupt) Jesuit founder of the Bavarian Illuminati
The ASS Castle:
The "A"ss "C"astle... AC = Aleister Crowley
Ass Champagne - Grand Hoochie Skank Rose - Fuquay Satin - MAiSON du SATIN (House of SATIN / Satan)
"A"ss "C"hampagne = AC (13) Aleister Crowley
SHAKIRA - She Wolf - "SOS She's in Diguise"
At 00:31 CDT 10.18.2009 (01:31 EDT in New York, NY 10.18.2009) SHAKIRA performed SHE WOLF. You can see the streaks on the background display representing, and pointing us to, the stars.
Sky view to the EAST over New York, NY at 00:31 AM CDT as SHAKIRA performed SHE WOLF -
The LION / Leo (LEONIDAS!) rising in the NE with the SEA MONSTER (Hydra / Loch Ness Monster) rising in unison to it.
Sky view to the SOUTH over New York, NY at 00:31 AM CDT as SHAKIRA performed SHE WOLF -
The planet Jupiter was in Capricorn, ("Sea Goat" in the Redshift screen caps) crossing the Horizon, as SHAKIRA took to the stage to perform She Wolf.
Sea Goat - Goat Dragon - Chimaera - Capricorn
Sky view to the WEST over New York, NY at 00:31 AM CDT as SHAKIRA performed SHE WOLF -
Pegasus is heading for the horizon. Jupiter crossed the Horizon line. Uranus (from the "What Up with That?" Sexecutioner Skit) to the left of Pegasus.
"The Sexecutioner / Gerard Butler" portraying the all-white winged Pegasus and the Cane (CAIN - see History of Lebanon in post comments for more info) resonating the Peg Leg.
What Up With That? - The Sexecutioner - Ship to URANUS
Sky view to the NORTH over New York, NY at 00:31 AM CDT as SHAKIRA performed SHE WOLF -
Below Horizon view under New York, NY at 00:31 AM CDT as SHAKIRA performed SHE WOLF -
Phagos - NJ GAY Army Couple - Seth (SET) Meyers
John Bossy makes the case in "Giordano Bruno and the Embassy Affair (Yale UP, 2002)", that Giordano Bruno is the previously unidentified 'Henry Fagot', who reported to Francis Walsingham, Queen Elizabeth's spy master.
E.T. - The Extra-Terrestrial
I kinda thought the cheap hanging-on-a-wire effect used by SNL made the balloon resemble ET, as in the image above.
The Egyptian god Seth: Set (STh - also spelled Seth, Sutekh or Seteh) is an ancient god, who was originally the god of the desert, Storms, Darkness, and Chaos.
Shakira - Did It Again
Spartans - Spartacus - The 300 - Committee of 300 - Gerard Butler
"The Committee of 300 is a theory which alleges that a secret society exists which was founded by the British aristocracy in 1727. It is allegedly an international council which organizes politics, commerce, banking, media, and the military for centralized global efforts."
LEO / the LION rising! This is expressed with Leonidas's Birth Certificate - which, in the non-occult and obvious is simply a play on Barack Obama's birth certificate controversy.
Game Time with Randy and Greg (the ALIEN)
and then we have DaveHeart, the younger brother of BRAVEHEART... This skit is more than just a play on Mel Gibson's Braveheart. It is a play on Gerard Butler's name.
Behind the Name for the name GERARD tells us: Derived from the Germanic element ger "spear" combined with hard "brave, hardy". The Normans introduced this name to Britain.
Gerard means "BRAVE/HARDY Spear".
...and of course DAVEHEART points us to Jupiter in Capricorn setting by being afraid of the "Goat Dragon"...
THE DEVIL XV The design is an accommodation, mean or harmony, between several motives mentioned in the first part. The Horned Goat of Mendes, with wings like those of a bat, is standing on an altar. At the pit of the stomach there is the sign of Mercury. The right hand is upraised and extended, being the reverse of that benediction which is given by the Hierophant in the fifth card. In the left hand there is a great flaming torch, inverted towards the earth. A reversed pentagram is on the forehead. There is a ring in front of the altar, from which two chains are carried to the necks of two figures, male and female. These are analogous with those of the fifth card, as if Adam and Eve after the Fall. Hereof is the chain and fatality of the material life.
The figures are tailed, to signify the animal nature, but there is human intelligence in the faces, and he who is exalted above them is not to be their master for ever. Even now, he is also a bondsman, sustained by the evil that is in him and blind to the liberty of service. With more than his usual derision for the arts which he pretended to respect and interpret as a master therein, Éliphas Lévi affirms that the Baphometic figure is occult science and magic. Another commentator says that in the Divine world it signifies predestination, but there is no correspondence in that world with the things which below are of the brute. What it does signify is the Dweller on the Threshold without the Mystical Garden when those are driven forth therefrom who have eaten the forbidden fruit.
SUCCEED... The poster has a hang-glider (guy attached to a kite) soaring through the air like an Angel. Soaring like the Angel of the Air... Lucifer.
Kristen Wiig's character Trina was last seen with Steve Martin in SNL episode 650, Season 34.14 on January 31, 2009.
The 666th episode of SNL (season 35.8 !! 3+5 = 8) is currently scheduled for 12.5.2009 (12 + 5 = 17 !) Recall from above that SNL is broadcast from: Studio 8H (8,8)
And the episode was sponsored by Budweiser:
Bud Golden Wheat (the Golden Boy's Sheath):
NEW YORK (AdAge.com) -- Budweiser thinks its latest line extension, Bud Light Golden Wheat, is not ready for prime time. At least for this Saturday night.
"For the first time in the 35-season history of "Saturday Night Live," an advertiser is buying all the national ad time in the broadcast of the venerable late-night comedy show. As the Oct. 17 program moves into ad breaks, viewers will see segments entitled "Backstage with Bud Light Golden Wheat," which will feature a series of never-before-aired clips from "SNL" throughout the years. Ad breaks will also include highlights from live "SNL" viewing parties held in Chicago, Los Angeles, New York and Philadelphia that will be "hosted" by Bud Light Golden Wheat." ... article continues at Bud Light Golden Wheat to Be Sole Advertiser on Next 'SNL'
One-Eyed Octopus! (eye of providence) Octopussy (1983) is the thirteenth spy film in the James Bond series. Doctor Octopus, and the Green Goblin, are both nemeses of SpiderMan.
On 10.24.2009 - U2 and Megan Fox -
Regular readers of this Blog (esp. noting my recent coverage of Guy Laliberte, Onedrop.org, and Cirque du Soleil), and other blog-hopping synchronauts should find this tidbit to be quite interesting...
A Cirque du Soleil performer has died in a Montreal hospital after suffering head injuries when he fell off a trampoline while training Friday.
The Cirque issued a statement Saturday saying Oleksandr Zhurov, a Ukrainian in his 20s, had died. The accident happened during a regular training session at a Montreal facility where the international troupe rehearses for shows.
An emergency services official said Zhurov was unconscious when an ambulance arrived at the scene.
"He had head trauma, so we quickly transported the victim to the hospital," said Benoit Garneau, operations chief for an ambulance service.
"Today, it is all of Cirque that is in mourning," said Guy Laliberté, the troupe's founder. "I am deeply saddened to learn of the death of Sacha. My thoughts are with his parents and his family, to whom I offer my deepest sympathy.
"Sacha was part of the extended Cirque family for the few months he was among us," he said. "An incident like this reminds us of the courage and determination displayed by our artists each and every day. They are exceptional human beings who share their talents with great generosity."
The Cirque said it would not make any further comments since a coroner's inquiry into the death is underway. It added that it would co-operate fully with the investigation.
Oleksandr Zhurov performer in Cirque du Soleil dies of head injury in trampoline accident...
MONTREAL – After a 12-day voyage into space, Guy Laliberte made a safe return to earth early Sunday morning.
The Soyuz space capsule containing Canada’s first space tourist, along with Russian cosmonaut Gennady Padalka and American astronaut Michael Barratt, touched down without incident in Kazakhstan.
Laliberte’s friends and family were able to watch the landing from the Canadian Space Agency’s facilities back home in Canada.
The billionaire founder of the Cirque du Soleil was helped out of the capsule wearing his trademark red clown’s nose. He needed several minutes to acclimatize himself to the earth’s gravity before he was able to move around without assistance.
On Sept. 30, Laliberte blasted off from the Russian space centre at Baikonur, Kazakhstan, on his way to the International Space Station (ISS). His crewmates on that initial trip were the American Jeffrey Williams and the Russian Maksim Surayev, who will remain aboard the ISS until next March.
Barratt and Padalka were already on the ISS when Laliberte arrived.
The 50-year-old is the world’s seventh space tourist and paid $35 million for the experience. He used his time on the ISS to showcase his One Drop Foundation whose mission is to promote the availability of clean drinking water around the world.
While in orbit, Laliberte hosted a two-hour broadcast featuring Cirque performers as well as David Suzuki, former US vice-president Al Gore, and musicians U2 and Shakira.
Strange Eye is an independant and not-for-profit blog. It is not aligned with nor supported by ANY group, organization, cult, sect, religion or otherwise. It exists with an open mind to explore, enjoy, ponder, postulate and speculate about events occuring around us all.
Welcome to you new Strange Eye readers from around the globe who have made your way to this blog and are looking around going "what the heck is this stuff all about??"
In a sentence, Strange Eye is a Jungian Synchronicity and Semiotic Observance and Research blog.
But What does that Mean??
it means that at this Strange Eye blog, we consider even the smallest or singular events of daily life as connected to and expressions of the bigger picture of ALL existence. The articles build upon each other in progression, none truly stand alone here.
The Strange Eye motto would be - if ever there was such a motto - ALL for ONE and ALL IS ONE.
While reading "Strange Eye" you may come to see the repeated expression of the belief that WE are all intimately connected parts of the Whole of Existence... that WE are part of and ONE with the UNIVERSE - and not just in it!
Because of this, WE are all able to experience and observe the workings of the UNIVERSE through semiotics and Synchronicity - from the macrocosmic to the microscopic - and through the witnessing of these events and workings, come to better understand our own existence and the active parts we play in creating it.
So Welcome, explore the blog archives, read, comment, post your synchs... and may you recognize and feel the synchronicities and spirit floW... strong and clear - and may you truly experience, on a deeply personal level, the beauty of the design hidden behind the machinations of everyday life.
"There are no jokes in synchromysticism, even when there are!" - Strange Eye (2009)
Penelope, the Queene, when she had view'd The strange eye-dazeling, admirable sight, Faine would have praisd the state and pulchritude, But she was stricken dumbe with wonder quite, Yet her sweet minde retain'd her thinking might ; Her rauisht minde in heaunly thoughts did dwel, But what she thought, no mortall tongue can tel.
"Be the Change You Wish to See in the World" - Ghandi